Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Things to Avoid when going for a job interview

When going for a job interview remember not to make mistakes that may lead to your downfall. Everyone who goes for an interview would love to land that job and the way to do it is to make the most of the interview and as perfectly as you can. Here are some tips that you can review.

 When going for a job interview, rehearse all the possible questions that you believe will be asked. Some of the questions may seem stupid but these are to get you off the tract and see how well you can handle that situation. You are also being rated on how you attack the question, your voice quality and your emotional maturity. Update yourself with your personal information. When you are given the chance to talk about yourself which is normally done in an interview, do not talk about your basic information this is the time to sell yourself to the panel. They are looking at your data sheet so they know who you are, where you are from and what course you finished so there is nothing that they do not know. Tell them about your qualifications and convince them you are the one for the job.

Sloppily dressed

Interviewers are highly-placed officials of an organization that are critical about dress codes and dressing shoddily could hurt your chances. Wear something formal, clean and fits you well. The way you dress reflects how you will do things when at work. Panelist feels that you do not give a damn much on the job because if you do, you could have dressed properly for it.

Being late

Being late for an interview is taken as "not so good" attitude at work. The interviewers will translate this to behavioral issues that can hurt you. If you are coming from a distant place, consider the traffic and travel time to make sure that you arrive early.  

Discussing salary too early

Do not talk about salary too early. Companies not even government will give the job to an applicant that wants to get the position for the money alone. If they do not ask you about it, leave it at that. If you are asked "how much salary you want", tell them the organization will not leave you high and dry and that you are confident they will pay according to your performance"


Lying about past employment may delist you from the roll of probable appointees to the position that is being filled up. Tell the panel the truth when asked about a previous employment. Being honest might just be your ticket to your employment. Interviewers do not like to be lied upon and would give premium more to the honest applicant.

Coming to interview with an unpleasant odor

Attending an interview smelling of cigarette or liquor will do you no good.  The panel of interviewers frown at applicants who come in for an interview smelling of something unpleasant that may destruct the interviewers or one of them might have an allergy of that smell. Go to the interview smelling like you just had a bath. Refrain from using perfumes

Talk against a former employer

If you think that talking against a previous employer will be an advantage to you, you are wrong. Interviewers do not like candidates that backbite their employers. If you can do that to the previous one you can do it to them.

Chewing a gum while on an interview

Chewing a gum while you are being interviewed is bad for your case. The panel will think that you are taking them to be stupid and idiots. This can make or unmake you as a candidate for the job.

Too nervous

If you are too nervous, the interviewers will notice that you lack confidence. Employers want people who are confident of their qualities and abilities to handle a difficult task.  Before you go to your interview you rehearse your lines and make eye contact with your interviewers to establish a connection. You will be surprised to find an ally from among the panelist that will boost your confidence.

Too desperate

The interviewers know that you need the job but do not be emotional about it. Do not appeal to them for the job, just do your best and sell yourself as best as you can. Show them that you are the perfect candidate for the job since you have what they are looking for. Stay cool and calm and refrain from doing unnecessary movements. It will convey your nervousness to the interviewers.


Employers do not favor candidates that are arrogant. Stay respectful and humble with your accomplishments. Just present the facts and let them see what you have accomplished without having to be arrogant about it.

Pick up some of the tips discussed in this article when you are planning to go for interview. If you know everything about interviews you would not be reading this article right now. These are some of the common errors that interviewees commit that may hurt their chances.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What interviewers want to know......

In an interview, the panel of interviewers or the interviewer/s are evaluating you as a person, the way you talk, how you handle yourself in front of people, the way you dress, your grooming, your reactions, your wit, your emotional maturity, the level of confidence - in short your totality as a person. Their purpose? They want to get the best among the bests.

Some interviewers will try to erode your confidence not because they want to put you down but for them to see the person you are  - how good you can work under pressure and how you will handle a difficult situation when you are faced with it when at work.

The panel of interviewers want nothing but to hire you provided you have what they are looking for and primarily that is your qualifications fit the position and not the other way around. They cannot put a round object on a square peg so to speak. These interviewers are humans too and they have undergone what you are or will undergo and they do understand what you are going through. So just be yourself and do the best you can.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Graduates ............... where to?

Hundreds of thousands of new professionals came down the aisles with their tickets to the real world. These young professionals with all their idealism and enthusiasm plunge into the jungle with high hopes for better lives only to be confronted with the more difficult phase in their lives -  Nowhere else to go -  They encounter "NO VACANCIES". "FREEZE HIRING" every where they go. They end up employed as call center agents, clerks, typist and so on........ there is so much unemployment, underemployment even with the government's efforts to create jobs for the thousands of young people. Others opt to go overseas just to have a job. The business world is a good resource if only they too can genuinely do their civic social responsibility- share their resources- hire these young people.

Dear graduates, the government is open to hiring, you just have to find your niche and excel in what you do. Do not lose hope. If you did not make it in one interview go for another. Do not be dismayed that is not the end of the world. That job is not meant for you because there is something better for you out there, find it. I know someone -very dear to me who failed her exams for 3 times but she never gave up. She cried countless times for those failures... but her spirit to fight propelled her to do better... the determination to make it kept burning in her heart.... that was the best part. She is now holding a prestigious position in a government agency.

So dear graduates, the point is stay fighting... keep going. Find your way in the jungle and one day, you will reach the place you want to be. To all of you ....GOODLUCK!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Where To Find The Job Vacancies and When do You Get Hired

The elections is fast approaching and of course with it is the ban on hiring by the government offices, government owned and controlled corporations and all its instrumentalities. It means vacancies in government offices are on hold until the ban on hiring is lifted. 

"The Appointment or hiring of new employees; creation or filling up of new positions; 
promotion or giving of salary increases, remuneration or privilege. (Sec. 261 (g), OEC)" 
 is a prohibited act as contained in Comelec Resolution No. 9385 dated April 3, 2012. 

The prohibition takes effect on March 29, 2013 (Friday) and ends on May 13, 2013 (Monday). So graduates, you can submit your applications to government offices but do not expect to be called for interview or examination during the prohibited period. Make your follow ups after May 13, 2013. By that time government offices are ready to hire. Although technically speaking, government offices can do interviews, administer examinations and do the selection process during that period so that when the ban is lifted they are ready to hire.

Where to find the jobs? Search the internet for government offices where the vacancies are. Normally, they have it posted in their site or the site of Civil Service Commission. Visit the sites of government offices in your locality to see the job postings. 

Here are some of the sites of government offices


Just to clarify things here, the private sector is not covered by this prohibited acts. It means the private establishments and employers may hire their employees even during the prohibited period and they are not answerable to the law or to the Republic of the Philippines.

Get qualified and try government service. Good luck and hope to see you in the service of the Filipinos.